Frequently Asked Questions

Use our FAQs to get quick answers about Geotech, our software. or how to use Enviro Data and Enviro Spase

Frequently Asked Questions

How to use this FAQ to get answers to your questions about Geotech, our services, and our software.

Our FAQ page provides helpful content, addressing common questions and issues. By getting answers to these questions upfront, it can save you time and frustration, enhancing your overall experience. These FAQs will help you quickly find what you need and provide answers to your questions. Our FAQs are organized into four main topics that can be reached using the website’s menus or the links below. Each of these have multiple subtopics that are divided into more focused topics where you will find the individual frequently asked questions or FAQs. Below is a table of links for each of the topics and subtopics.

On each of the pages, you will find a Search Box where you can search for the title or the contents of all FAQs, not just the FAQs on the page you are one.

yrfaq menu

By clicking on one of the main topics shown above, you will be taken to the subtopics of the main topics. Likewise, you can choose one of the subtopics to see the FAQs in that section. When you click on the desired FAQ, it will open to show the answer to that question. Some of the FAQ may have links to other FAQs, or other sources either on our website or the Internet.

yrfaq subcategory

When an FAQ is open and you need a link for it, you can click on the small icon on the left between the FAQ's title and the article.

yfaq link for sharing