Enviro Data Setup
Answers that will help you set up Enviro Data.
Many clients with larger database want to keep Enviro Data database on SQL Server for performance and safety reasons. To do this you need:
- A SQL Server license from Geotech.
- A computer to run SQL Server on. This could be a regular computer, but a server class machine would be preferred. The computer does not need to be dedicated and it can be used for other things, given significant resources. It could also be an Azure VM with SQL Server.
- Microsoft SQL Server. although anything newer than 2016 will work. After some recent bad experiences (poor performance), we do not recommend using SQL Server Express. Although it works for some clients, you may not be able to upgrade your data to the full version. .
- A copy or the Enviro Data database in SQL Server format. Geotech can migrate your current Enviro Data Access database file(s) to SQL Server for you, if needed.
- A Client Access Licenses (CALS) for each named user.
- An ODBC connection set up on each computer that needs to connect to the SQL database.
- 6. Add the ODBC Control String to the settings.
You should be aware of the following issues during or immediately after installing Enviro Data.
During the Installation
You may need Windows' security permissions to install Enviro Data. Check with your IT Department as they may have to install the program for you.
During the install, the example database called EnvDData8.mdb is copied into the program folder, C:\Enviro\EData8. Enviro Data connects to this database by default when it is first opened. You can use this database to take the Tour in both the EDITOR and the VIEWER to learn how to use the program.
An add-in, GeoObjects, is installed immediately after the Enviro Data install completes. It should show a popup indicating that this install has completed. This installation generally only takes a few seconds. However, on some computers either the install progress window may not display at all or, remains on the screen after the install has completed. If you see this popup and it does not close, wait a minute or so and click on Cancel or Exit Setup to remove it.
Read the FAQ in this section on Do I need Read/Write privileges in the Enviro Data.Do I need Read/Write privileges in the Enviro Data.
Immediately after the Installation
The Enviro Data installation should add desktop icons for both the EDITOR and the VIEWER. Sometimes these icons may not display but are hidden. To correct this either right click on the desktop and select Refresh or, push F5 on your keyboard. Either of these actions should restore them. (You may be asked to enter your Window's credentials when you do this.)
Running Enviro Data for the first time.
The first time you open the Editor and/or Viewer, you may see a warning just below the Ribbon Menu (see below). Click on the Enable Content button. This will cause Access to Enable All Content (like Macros) and close the warning. You need to do this once for each program. If the bar is partly obscured by the splash screen, wait a few seconds and then click the button.
You will be asked to enter the software key given you when you purchased Enviro Data. If this key is for a concurrent license, you will need to follow these instructions to set that up.
If you choose to not enter a key and leave this form blank, you are given a 7-day trial and will need a valid Key after that time. If you are evaluating Enviro Data and need more time, you can contact Geotech for a code to extend your evaluation to 30 days at no charge.
You must set Trusted Locations by following these steps.Trusted Locations by following these steps.
Enviro Data uses lookup tables to enforce data consistency, expand codes, and save storage space. These tables are sometimes called Valid Value Lists. Lookups include Station Types, Matrix, Parameters, Units, and many more. Some you will use, and others you may not need. Before starting with a new project you might want to modify the contents of the lookup tables to suit your project needs. When you create a new database, the lookup tables are brought into the new database from the database you are currently attached to. For your first database, the lookup tables will be from the sample database provided with the software (EnvDData8.mdb).
You can view the existing lookup values, and modify them as necessary. As you create more databases for different types of projects, these lookup tables can evolve. For each new database, you should use an existing database that will have the most similar lookup table contents, and use that to create the new one.
1. Click Maintain Database in the Setup section of the EDITOR MENU.
2. Click on Lookups Report, and print it if you wish. Then close the report, and the MAINTAIN DATABASE form.
3. On the EDITOR, again /strong> under the Setup section, click on Manage Lookups. This screen shows the lookup tables that you can edit.
4. Click on one of the buttons, such as Sample Matrix, to open the editing form. Modify the values as necessary, and then close the form.
Note that in order to maintain referential integrity in your database, you cannot modify any lookup code that is in use in another table. You are able to modify lookup's description however. For example, is the lookup for Sample Martix has a code of "u" for "Ground Water" is used for an analyese, you cannot change the "u" but you could change the description to "Groundwater" if you so chose.
The data hierarchy in Enviro Data has four major tables, Sites (projects or facilities), Stations (locations of samples or observations, such as soil borings or monitoring wells), Samples, and Analyses. Enviro Data uses a database feature called Referential Integrity to protect your data, and that means that the hierarchy is strictly enforced. So to add Stations, Samples, and Analyses, you will need to have at least one Site. Here's how to do that.
1. On the EDITOR, in the Import / Edit section, click on Sites.
2. Enter a Site Name and State at the top of the SITES form. All other fields are optional. Click Done on the upper right of the screen when finished.
3. The next data element to enter is Stations. You can type them in, as you did Sites, but often it's easier to import them, especially if you already have them in digital form.
4. Using the template ImportStation8.xls, create an Excel sheet with your station information. ImportStationExample8.xls is an example of a compete stations import file. These two files are placed in the Enviro\Edata8 folder in Windows Explorer when Enviro Data is installed.
On the main screen of both the Editor and Viewer are links to the Getting Started document, the full User Documentation and a self-guided Tour where you are taken through the most commonly used features of Enviro Data. Since the User Documentation is updated on a regular basis, check back on a regular basis to learn about new features.
Check this Frequently Asked Questions section to see if your questions have already been answered.
Request support from Geotech at support@geotech.com. When asking for help, please be specific, providing screen shots, and include the version of Enviro Data you are using,
Enviro Data Single User is licensed on a per-user basis, meaning that a license is required for each computer on which the software is installed. For a modest additional cost, users in your organization can share your Enviro Data licenses. This is a great way to provide the software to occasional database users at a very low cost. With Concurrent Use licensing, the software can be installed on as many computers as you wish but can only be used concurrently by the number of users that you have purchased Concurrent Use licenses for. This can be setup for the full Enviro Data package and/or the VIEWER only option.
To use Concurrent Use licensing, install the lock file (supplied by Geotech) in a folder (usually on a server) that is visible to all prospective users. This file, GCSLicense.mde, keeps track of how many licenses are available and in use. For a virtual machine (VM) it can be placed in the Enviro folder. For more than one VM, it can be placed on a shared drive. For a SQL back-end, either would be fine.
The program also allows you to “check out” a license so you can use Enviro Data while not connected to the network. Note that until this license is checked back in, it will not be available to any other users. However, the lock file will allow for a fixed number of overuses for emergency situations. If you exceed your licensed usage, both you and Geotech will be notified.
If you have purchased or upgraded to Concurrent Use licensing, contact Geotech technical support if you need help in installing and setting up the lock file.
After installing Enviro Data on a new computer, close both the Editor and Viewer, then in the Enviro/EData8 folder, find and delete the file named “eKey.lck”. Next, re-open the Editor and enter the License Key in the SETUP LICENSE form. Once the key is entered, you will use this form to point this computer to the lock file called GCSLicense.mde somewhere on your server.
If you cannot locate the license file, go to another licensed computer and using a text editor like Notepad, open the file GCS.lic in this computers Enviro Data directory, C:\Enviro\Edata8. In that file you will find the location of the license file that you can use with the new computer. However, when using this file be careful not to change anything and close this file without saving it.
If you have problems with the above, contact Support and we can setup a Teams meeting to assist you.
Because of a known limitation with Microsoft Access, you can only create a database or a subset of your data in a folder that has a path with no spaces including the filename. Once the database has been created, it can be named any valid filename, and placed and used anywhere you wish, but you can't CREATE it with a name like My Database, or in a folder like My Documents.
This no spaces restriction also applies when mapping a drive path that contains spaces. but the path name does not, creating a subset database or upgrading a database to a new version.
Want to combine and enhance both Access and SharePoint? To do so, you can import, link, or move data between them. Importing creates a copy of the SharePoint list in an Access database. Linking connects to data in another program, so that you can view and edit the latest data both in SharePoint and Access. Moving creates lists on the SharePoint site that remain linked to tables in your database and maintains their relationships. [SharePoint Lists have a very limit capacity and will not support an Enviro Data database.]
Although you can save an Access database file to OneDrive or a SharePoint document library, we recommend that you avoid opening an Access database from these locations. The file may be downloaded locally for editing and then uploaded again once you save your changes to SharePoint. If more than one person opens the Access database from SharePoint, multiple copies of the database may get created and some unexpected behaviors may occur. This recommendation applies to all types of Access files including a single database, a split database, and the .accdb, .accdc, .accde, and .accdr file formats. For more information on deploying Access, see Import, link, or move data to SharePoint.
For an overview on sharing a single back-end Enviro Data database locally or a remote desktop, on OneDrive/SharePoint (not recommended), or on a sever, please see Ways to share an Access desktop database.
Database applications change and grow over time. Many factors impact needs and performance including the number of concurrent users, the network environment, throughput, latency, the size of the database, peak usage times, and expected growth rates. In short, if your database solution is successful, it probably needs to evolve. Fortunately, Access has an evolutionary path, from simple to advanced, that you can take over time to effectively scale your solution.
Enviro Data uses both front-end and back-end client relational database files with many tables, forms, modules and other objects. Both of the front-end files (Editor and Viewer) are Access databases that attach to a back-end database file where the actual data is stored. There are also settings for the front-end options that are stored in a Settings file that is also an Access database linked to the front-end clients., the Editor and a Viewer. The back end can be in Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL or Oracle. Where the backend database is in Access, specific considerations must be made as to how it can be shared and where it can be stored. This is not an issue with SQL or other Enterprise storage options.
For an overview on sharing a single back-end Enviro Data database locally or a remote desktop, on OneDrive/SharePoint (not recommended), or on a sever, please see Ways to share an Access desktop database.
Although you can save an Access database file to OneDrive or a SharePoint document library, we strongly recommend that you avoid opening an Access database from these locations. The file may be downloaded locally for to work on and then uploaded again once you save your changes to OneDrive or SharePoint. However, if more than one person opens the Access database from OneDrive, SharePoint or DropBox, multiple copies of the database may get created and some unexpected behaviors may occur like making the database unusable. This recommendation applies to all types of Access files including the Enviro Data Editor, Viewer, Settings, a single database, a split database, and any files with the .mdb, .accdb, .accdc, .accde, and .accdr extensions. While SharePoint shares some features with databases and is a great tool for document management, it is not designed to be used as a database and it falls short in supporting all common database functions. For more information on deploying Access, again please see Ways to share an Access desktop database.
Additionally, if you are using a VM or Azure Virtual Desktop where multiple users be using the same Access files-- Editor, Viewer, Settings and others -- concurrently, these files must be located where only a single user can access them. Contact Geotec support for more information on these types of shared setups.
Another factor to be considered is that you cannot create a new database with a path or file name that contains a space in it. Once the database has been created, this is no longer an issue. However, when updating an Enviro Data database to a new version in some cases a new file may be created and the issue with spaces applies.
The answer is yes but this can depend on what computer and network you are running Enviro Data on. Also, the speed of this connection will depend on the speed and latency of your connection.
Mounting an Azure File Share involves running a PowerShell script (In Admin mode) on the computer you need to connect from. See How to mount an Azure Files share in Windows | Azure Tips and Tricks (youtube.com). This will create a local drive from which you can Attach to an Enviro Data database. See screen shots below from our Windows Server VM on Azure where Drive E has been mapped to Azure Blog File Share “Enviro”.
However, for this to work Port 445 on your network will have to be open. While I did this successfully on our Windows Server running on an Azure VM, I am not able to connect from my local Windows 11 Pro computer from home because Port 445 is either blocked by my router or ISP. You can check this in advance by running a free utility called Shields Up at GRC | ShieldsUP! — Internet Vulnerability Profiling. On that page click on Common Ports within the large blue graphic to run it then scroll down to check to see if Port 445 is open or closed (Stealth).
If your network or ISP has Port 445 blocked, Azure provides links to instructions on how to work around this issue located immediately below the windows where you found the PowerShell script. They generally involve a VPN and may involve a monthly fee from Microsoft or others.
Note that if Port 445 is blocked on your router, you may be able to redirect or unblock it. You would need to contact the router manufacturer to determine how to do that.
You can start a new project in Enviro Data by opening the Editor and clicking the Create New Project button under Setup. The file name and the path that the project is being saved to must not contain spaces and in some cases special characters. Note that this new project will contain all the lookups from the project that is already attached to the Editor. If you have used the example database, EnvDDate8, we recommend that at a minimum, you replace all or the parameter names for the parameter name you will be using for your new project. Sites, Stations and Samples are not copied to the new project.